SPARQL-Generate Editor - forked from YASQE
About SPARQL-Generate Editor
YASQE is part of the regular YASGUI web application. YASQE provides a simple syntax highlighted text area, bundled with features such as autocompletion, and the option to query SPARQL endpoints.SPARQL-Generate Editor is a fork for the SPARQL-Generate syntax.
var sge = SGE(document.getElementById("showcase"));
(or, if you would like to instantiate SGE from an existing text area, use
var sge = SGE.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('textAreaItem'));
A big thanks goes out to:- Laurens Rietveld for his great work on the YASQE library
- The people behind the Flint SPARQL editor for publishing the javascript SPARQL grammar
- Marijn Haverbeke for his great work on the CodeMirror library syntax highlighting library
- Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche and Bernard Vatant for their useful Linked Open Vocabularies service, of which Laurens use the API to autocomplete properties and classes
- Richard Cyganiak for his simple but effective service, which Laurens use for autocompleting prefixes.